Licensed activities in Dubai Knowledge Park
Dubai Knowledge Park offers multiple activities under the following major license segments:
Professional and Management Development Training
Computer Training
Language Training
Fine Arts Training
Child Skills Development Training
Tutoring Services
Technical & Occupational Skills Training
Human Resources Consultancy
Research & Development
Association (NonProfit)
Companies can choose between one and three activities from each segment, for the standard licensing fee of AED 15,000.
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Professional and Management Development Training
Educators Professional Training
Ongoing learning to maintain and develop the teaching/training skills of educational Professionals.
Educational assessment, testing and measurement, Educational evaluation and research, Pedagogy and learning processes, Teaching methodology and Classroom management.
Social & Behavioural Training
Enhancement of inter-personal skills to enable personal empowerment and improved social interaction on a professional and/or personal level.
Psychology & Sociology of human behaviour; Development of behavioural skills; Cultural awareness & sensitivity; Emotional intelligence; and Conflict resolution/anger management. Does not include provision of social services and youth rehabilitation.
Sales & Marketing Training
Improvement of buying and selling skills to support increased exchange of goods and services.
Sale systems and procedures; Market research; Public Relations and Marketing; Merchandising including inventory management,pricing practices and loss prevention; Product development;Distribution
Accounting & Finance Training
Develop skills to facilitate the control and monitoring of financial activities and services
Banking Finance; Investments and financial securities; Accounting; Auditing; Islamic Banking
Insurance Training
Enhance skills of insurance brokers and insurers to support organizational and individual insurance services
Auto Insurance; Life Insurance; Asset Insurance; Health Insurance; Shipping Insurance; Aviation Insurance; Personal Insurance; Home Insurance; Travel Insurance
Legal Training Services:
Enhancement of skills affiliated with jurisprudence and legal professions
Various types of law (e.g. Civil, Commercial, Corporate and Family); Conflict resolution; Shariah; and Criminal justice
Human Resources Training & Development
Enhancement of personal and organizational skills, knowledge and abilities to support HRD professionals with a focus in the following areas:
- Human resource and personnel policies, practices, and procedures
- Employee compensation and benefits planning, communication, and administration
Employment and placement; Compensation and benefits; Labour relations; relocation; Organizational development; Performance management; Career development; HR audit; Coaching and Life Success Skills
Management Training
Enhance skills that prepare professionals to face the wide array of challenges involved in supervising people and managing systems and projects
Administration, Organizational theory and behaviour, Leadership skills, Customer Service, Executive development, Quality assurance & audits, Negotiation skills, Coaching & mentoring, and Entrepreneurial skills
Business & Secretarial Training
Develop broad range of fundamental administrative and office management skills and competencies
Administrative and secretarial services, Dataentry, typing and shorthand, Switchboard and operator, Secretarial training; Operating systems, Desktop applications (MS Office, etc), Email etiquette and Internet, Office procedures
Computer Training
(Design and development of computer systems and computing environments)
System analysis and design; Network Administration; Programming languages(Visual Basic,C++,etc.); Web Design; Database Administration; IT Support and maintenance; Software and Hardware development; IT Security; IT Infrastructure; Social Media. (does not include specialized software packages)
Language Training
(Develop competency in languages)
Study of related cultures, literature and linguistics; Language training (Arabic, French, etc.) Does not include language curricula offered in schools in the UAE.
Fine Arts Training
Performing Arts Training
(Performing Arts: study of principles and techniques associated with performances that use the artist’s own body, face, and presence as a medium)
Theatre performing; Music; Speech; Mime; Singing; Dancing.
Art and Craft Skills Training
Craft: techniques and Skills to develop handcrafted items
Fine Arts: principles and techniques associated with materials such as clay, metal or paint which can be moulded or transformed to create some physical art object
Calligraphy: principles and techniques associated with the art of beautiful, stylized lettering
Ceramics; Folk arts; Decorative metal crafts; Embroidery; Florist (flower arranging); Stone Carving; Weaving; Woodcarving; Paintings;Drawing; Art theory;Etching;Fine Art printmaking; History of art; Sculpting; Stylized handwriting e.g.Arabic; Glass arts and craft; Musical Instruments (design and maintenance).
Child Skills Development Training
Child Skills Development Centre
(The provision of instruction which enriches and develops the non-academic skills of students)
Conversational skills instruction; Speed reading instruction; Public speaking; Debating; Life skills.
Adult education; Child day-care activities; Academic tutoring services or supplementary education; Preparation for entry examinations for tertiary education; summer camps; Special education for children with special needs.
Tutoring Services
Supplementary Education Services
(Enhance students’ academic skills in subjects related to recognized school curricula)
Scope: only curricula offered at approved schools in the UAE. Does not include tutoring for curricula not approved for schools in the UAE.
Approving bodies include: MOE, KHDA, ADEC, etc.
Technical & Occupational Skills Training
Media Production Training
(Study of techniques and skills to produce print, radio, TV, film, music and video programming, e-Media, film production)
Graphics and colour reproduction (e.g. Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.); Media techniques; Photography;Printing;Publishing(books,magazines,newspapersetc.);Radio and TV production; Sound engineering & music production.
Transport Services Training
(Enhancement of skills relating to operations and navigation of various forms of transportation)
Land based transportation operations (auto, rail, bus, truck, etc.); Navigation technologies; Railway operations; Marine Transport programs; Aviation.
Hospitality and TourismTraining
(Develop skills that prepare on to work in the catering and accommodation industries)
Travel and tourism services; Cabin and ground crew training; Catering and food service; Chefs (restaurant and hotel-type); Food hygiene and safety; Hospitality services; Chauffeur services; Hotel and restaurant programs; Hotel services including receptionist, waiter, bar services; Event Management.
(Instruction about crop production, livestock management, soil and water conservation, and various other aspects of agriculture)
Soil science; Irrigation techniques; Agricultural economics; Agricultural sciences; Agronomy and crop science; Animal husbandry; Farm and Ranch Management.
Domestic Services Training
(Household skills in order to manage everyday home chores)
Caretaking, housekeeping and home service workers; Cleaning; Cooking (home); Domestic science; Dry-cleaning.
Garment Design Training (This Activity also applies toD3)
(Creating designs and structures for knitted, woven, non-woven or embellishments of fabrics)
Tailoring; Fabric design; Textile design; Curtain making; Apparel design; Fashion design.
Hair Stylist Training (This Activity also applies toD3)
(Study of techniques for hair cutting and hair treatment)
Barbering; Hairdressing and Hair Treatments.
Beauty Care Training (This Activity also applies toD3)
(Study of treatments and therapeutic methods for body care)
Beauty therapy; Cosmetology (make up)
Occupational Safety and Firefighting Training
(Techniques in recognizing, evaluating and controlling areas concerned with protecting the safety and welfare of people associated with the workplace as well as firefighting training programs)
Ergonomics; Industrial welfare; Labour protection and security; Labour welfare (safety);Occupational health, safety and industrial hygiene; Fire technology; and Fire- protection (firefighting); Handling hazards materials
Security Training
(Develop skills of security personnel to maintain secure environments and set-up/ maintain relevant security equipment)
Alarm systems and surveillance cameras; Security guard; Theft prevention;Patrolling; Traffic control and parking lot security; Crowd control; Disaster Management; Close Protection.
Architecture & Design Training (This Activity also applies toD3)
(The study of art, science and techniques of building and interior design)
Urban design and planning; Architecture; Interior design; Cartography/Land surveying; Community planning & development; and Landscape architecture.
Construction, Mechanical and the Built Environment Skills Training
(Technology planning and operational techniques related to buildings, land, machinery, electrical equipment, and the environment)
Maintenance Skills; Transport, water supply, sewage, geotechnical systems etc; Engineering Software (e.g. AutoCAD); Urban Planning; Land Use; Industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems etc., Auto Mechanics; Electrical appliances repairing; Electrical Fitting; Green Building Certification (e.g. LEED); Sustainability techniques (Air, Water and Land Resources) and Recycling.
Health Care Awareness Training
(Skills enhancement courses offered to professionals in the healthcare industry in order to upgrade their knowledge related to their respective fields)
Health Awareness: raising knowledge of causes and prevention techniques of diseases for healthy living.
Training of healthcare professionals; Hearing aid technology; Therapeutic Massage (medical); Medical laboratory technology; Medical x-ray techniques; Nutrition and dietetics; Optical lens making; Orthopaedic prosthetics; Para-medical programmes; Pharmacy(introduction to new/alternative medication);Physiotherapy;Radiotherapy; Speech and therapy; Rehabilitation; Nursing; First Aid.
Human Resources Consultancy
Organizational Restructuring and Reorganizing
(Provide organizations the necessary consultancy services by recommending and implementing partial or full restructuring and reorganizing plans and strategies in order to help them improve performance, productivity and competitiveness in the industry)
Strategic HR Planning
(Provide organizations with consultancy services and help them develop integrating human resource management strategies and systems to achieve the overall mission, strategies, and success of the firm while meeting the needs of employees and other stakeholders)
Job Description and Job Evaluation
(Provide organizations with consultancy services in job analysis, processing general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position, then determining the relative size of each job within an organization to create a hierarchy that establishes the worth of each job to the organization)
International Re-locations & Orientation
(Provide organizations and their employees with support, advice and hands-on assistance, pre-moving orientation, housing research, administrative formalities, immigration, travel, children’s schooling and other services relate to the well-being of the employees and in particular assisting expatriates settle into new environment in order to increase their productivity and enhance their performance)
Change Management
(Provide organizations with a systematic approach, appropriate analytical and diagnostic techniques to enable them to assess current operational state and to identify the most significant conflicts, constraints, and impediments affecting key processes and recommend best solutions with a framework for the implementation)
Compensation, Benefits & Recognition
(Provide assistance to the organizations to determine and develop comprehensive employee compensation and reward system. Also provide solutions for effective staff recognition and retention strategies)
Performance Management
(Providing specialized assistance for organizations to create highly effective, world- class systems and processes to develop and enhance employee and organization performance)
Career Development & Management
(Provide specialized assistance to organizations by developing a system for talented and executive employees to be developed for future position in accordance to the organizations objectives and strategies)
HR Audits & Accountabilities
(Provide organizations with internal assessment of policies and practices, identify areas of non-compliance or weakness, uncover issues, and determine how to strategically align HR practices with business objectives. Also setup clear roles and responsibilities to diagnose organizational and human capital functions and accountabilities to get clarity about their focus and deliverables)
Research & Development
Research and Development Centre
(A centre involved in the activity of conducting various research activities in conjunction with corporate or academic institutions)
Content Development
Content Development Centre
(A centre specialising in creating and developing specific training and educational materials to help organisations meet their training and continuing education needs)
Assessment and Testing
Assessment Centre
(A centre specialising in providing standardised behaviour-based evaluation or multiple evaluations including job related simulations to evaluate candidates on behaviours relevant to the most critical aspects or competencies of the job, conduct interviews and/or psychological tests. For the avoidance of doubt, recruitment and placement services are not included or allowed under this Activity)
Executive Search
Executive Search
(Companies that specialize in attracting and sourcing talented individuals in leadership, executive or professional roles and delivering best practice retainer-based search on behalf of client organizations)
Education Advisor
(Assists Higher Education providers, inside and outside the Zone, on various programs requirements, governmental collaborations and students’ admission, entrance procedures etc.)
eLearning Advisor
(An individual offering eLearning support and consultancy services)
Executive Coaching
(Provide organizations with a structured system that identifies the highest standard coaching leaders, directors and high potential senior executives to motivate and develop other employees’ knowledge and skill)
(To conduct research to serve educational institutions, students, faculties, Human Resource Management fields and other participants in the education industry)
(An individual providing training to professionals in the areas of IT, Media, Business and Management, Logistics, Languages and associated areas)
Association (Non Profit)
Professional Association
(A non-profit organisation that acts in the public interest of a group of professionals to strengthen and develop the industry and community; it is also form for the purpose of serving a public or mutual benefit other than the pursuit or accumulation of profits for owners or investors)